asset-backed securities (abs)中文什么意思

发音:   用"asset-backed securities (abs)"造句
  • asset:    n. 1.资产;财产。 2.有用的资 ...
  • backed:    adj. 1.有后援的,有支持的。 ...
  • security:    n. 1.安全(感);安稳;稳妥;平 ...
  • ab:     〔拉丁语〕从(= from, aw ...
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  1. Asset - backed securities ( abs ) mortgage - backed securities ( mbs ) are the fastest growing structure financial instrument of the global financial market . there are numerous products of abs ; many assets are securitized in us financial market
    资产支持证券( asset - backedsecurities , abs )和住房贷款抵押支持证券( mortgage - backedsecurities , mbs )是最近十几年国际金融市场发展很快的一种结构性金融产品,是一种新型的衍生金融产品。
  2. With the asset - backed securities ( abs ) financing based on the charges for passing fees in the future , expressways can play a uniquely beneficial role , and the paramount feature of it lies in funding out of debt list so that the retrieve of the funds for the construction of expressways will be assured
  3. Structure financial instrument includes commercial mortgage - backed securities ( cmbs ) , asset - backed securities ( abs ) , real estate investment trusts ( reit ) , and residential mortgage - backed securities ( cmbs ) . according the research report of us , most of abs and mbs is floating interest rate , and credit rate is aaa and duration is short term . also , the structure of abs and mbs are different with different client requirement of cash flow
    在美国金融市场上的结构化金融产品包括个人住房贷款抵押支持证券( rmbs ) 、商业贷款抵押支持证券( cmbs ) 、债务抵押债券( cdo )和资产支持证券( abs ) ,而abs主要包括信用卡应收账款支持证券( creditcardabs ) 、汽车贷款支持证券( autoabs ) 、学生贷款支持证券( studentloanabs )和家庭财产支持证券( homeequityloanabs )等。


  1. asset value 什么意思
  2. asset value per share 什么意思
  3. asset values mounting defaults 什么意思
  4. asset-backed financing 什么意思
  5. asset-backed securities 什么意思
  6. asset-backed security 什么意思
  7. asset-based financing 什么意思
  8. asset-based lessor 什么意思
  9. asset-liability management 什么意思
  10. asset-liability view 什么意思


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